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SEO Blues
SEO, not again!, you may groan. The webmaster world is inundated by articles and "how to's" with regard to SEO (Search Engine Optimization). If you are a rookie webmaster, chances are, like me, you may have embarked on a merry-go-round on the SEO circuit, depending on which article and opinion you were first exposed to. The role of search engines in getting free target traffic to your site is not debatable. How to get noticed in the search engines has spawned a whole industry, and gurus in tow. As should be expected, they have taken a very simple and straight forward issue and made it convoluted, a field of study at the fringes of rocket science. What are the search engines looking for? This has become a course with a Masters degree awarded for algorithm chasing. But the answer is very simple. They are looking for unique valuable content to deliver to info hungry surfers. Let me ask you a question. When you visit Google or Yahoo and type in a phrase in the search box, what are you looking for? I suspect you are looking for a site that does justice to that search phrase. You need information, you go to Google, you get it, you are happy. Chances are, next time you need to look for information on another subject, you will return to Google or whoever. Just imagine for a moment, and it has happened to me time after time. You type in a search phrase, and you visit the first site that shows up in the result pages. You click on the link, and what do you find? Garbage. You return to the results page and click on link number two?unrelated content. Link number three, no content. You get frustrated, and go to page two etc. If you eventually come up with nothing useful, you head for the search engine next door. The search continues. The search engine that gives you what you want has won your loyalty, and of course, next time you go search?that's right! You go back there. If they deliver yet again, boy! You may jolly well make that your default search engine. The search engines know this fact. They want people to come to them. Why?, So that they can show them adverts. If traffic drops, so does advert revenues. How do they increase traffic? By serving searchers relevant content, so that you come back for more, again and again, and hopefully click on the adverts. How do they serve relevant content? By making sure that sites with the most relevant content to the search phrase show up tops in the result pages How do they do that? By developing very complex algorithms and criteria (both on-page and off-page) that weed out low content and keyword stuffed pages, so that the real deal gets to show up tops. What are those algorithms? Nobody knows. Some claim they do, and keep second guessing Google and co. The fact is, Google will always be a step ahead. They change the algorithms at will, and each time they do (as they did recently), the SEO world goes into a tail spin. Gurus whip out their crystal balls and try to figure out what the new secret formula is. They try to play catch up. Fact is, Google has a battery of egg heads both from the industry and academia whose job is to develop these ultra secret algorithms. The system is wired up in such a way that each team member only knows a bit of the whole picture. Very few have the whole picture, and it is very doubtful if they will divulge it for all the gold in Fort Knox. Chasing after Google algorithms is like chasing after the wind. It is a waste of energy, time and resources. In the unlikely event that you catch up, they leave you behind yet again, a few months later. The chase continues? I believe it is time to step back and take a deep breathe. These guys are simply looking for unique valuable content. Why don't we simply give it to them, and sleep well at night, instead of dreaming of algorithms? If you have chosen a niche that is in line with your passion as your site theme, then what are you waiting for? Churn out good valuable content, and the engines will love you for that. You will get your creative juices running, keep the engines happy, and visitors satisfied. Everyone wins. You will shoot to the top overnight. You may experience the loneliness of a long distance runner. For some months, it may seem like nothing is happening. Simply get your title and meta tags in order. Write with your audience in mind, and keep reminding yourself who your audience is. Definitely not Google! Google will not read your stuff; neither will they deliver your most wanted response (MWR). Visitors do. Keep adding those lovely unique content, focusing on one keyword per page. Over-deliver. Get listed in good directories for valuable one-way links. Exchange a few links with very good sites that your audience will love. Keep adding those content. Your good content alone will cause other webmasters looking for good content to link to you, without necessarily asking for a link back. Such one way links from good sites are a strong endorsement for your site, and the search engines are noticing. Link to sites that inspire trust in your visitors. If you link to junk sites, they will begin to question your judgment. That will erode the trust they have for you, and that my affect your MWR. Stay focused. Before long, you will begin to see results. As heavily SEO-ed sites begin to pant and drop off the radar due to algorithm changes, you are just warming up for the show! Running after search engine algorithms takes you totally off course, and instead of adding content, you are forever tweaking the few pages you have. You tweak it to death, till it makes no sense to a human reader. If you manage to score high at the engines, the five seconds visitor you manage to garner click away, wondering what it is you are trying to say. Trying to beat the engines is mission impossible. Why dissipate your precious energy when you can channel it in building your business Keep it simple. Run in your lane. Fuel your passion. Let it show on your site. The most potent form of advertisement is word of mouth, by a satisfied visitor. They will return. They will tell folks. Before long, you have built a brand, and have become a recognized guru in your niche. By this time, you are on first name basis with your bank manager. Usiere Uko is the webmaster of the Financial Freedom Inspiration website and editor of the monthly Financial Freedom Inspiration Newsletter, a free ezine to inspire you to exit the rat race and fulfill your God given dreams. To subscribe or visit the site, please click on the URL below. http://www.financial-freedom-inspiration.com
MORE RESOURCES: - ������ - ��ʵ�� - Thailand Web Hosting Business - Directory - SEO Thailand - ������˹ѧ - ˹ѧ���� - Domain Names - Web Hosting - Software News - http://www.thaiirc.in.th/seo/ - http://www.siamsupport.net/ - http://onewaylink.narak.com/ - ���� - Website Directory - ����� focus - ö����ͧ - ������ѹ��� focus Sponsored |
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Webmaster-Friendly Google Operators There are a lot of operators (commands you can enter in the Google search box to return specific results) you can plug into Google in order to find what you want. For webmasters and website owners, however, a few particular operators can be especially useful. World of Website Promotion Website promotion is a big and ongoing process. Every person who has website should have little knowledge about various elements involved in website promotion even if he had hired a SEO. Good Content: The Key To Search Engine Ranking Good Content: The Key To Search Engine RankingWhat drives visitors to your website and keeps them there? Good content.Content is KeyGood content is key to website promotion success. Search Engine Robots - How They Work, What They Do (Part II) If your site isn't found in the search engines, it is probably because the robots couldn't deal with it. It could be something as simple as not being able to find the site, or it may be more complicated issues involving the robot's not being able to crawl the site or figure out what your pages are all about. The Small Screen SEO! First of all, What is SEO? SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and is the art of making your pages efficient for search engine robots in order to get your site listed in the top of their results, preferrably on the first page and within the top 10. We can easily achieve this if we know how the search engine is reading our sites, so we can further tweak our pages and make it to the top. Future of SEO - Making Money Online from Your Home and Building Homes from Making Money Online Everyone seems to want the benefits from working at home: more time, more money, and theoretically less work. But the later of the previous list seems to be the problem. 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Although no one outside the search engine companies know the actual algorithms, search engine optimization (SEO) experts agree that back links are heavily weighed. Building Link Popularity with Topical Articles One of the important factors in ranking high in search engine results is link popularity. It is not enough to just have the best website in the world--other sites have to point back to you. Linking for Traffic not Positioning! With more and more experts and search engine enthusiastsclaiming the right way and the wrong way to handle linkswapping, link exchanging or reciprocal linking! You can tell something is important when there is more thanone name for it! GRIN! There are also two schools of thought on the reasons linkswapping. The first reason for link swapping has always been to carryfavour with Search engine rankings. SEO Expert Guide - Page Optimization (part 5/10) In parts 1 - 4 you learnt how to develop your online business proposition, generate a list of key words and optimize at a site level. You were also introduced to our mythical Doug (who sells antique doors, door handles, knockers, door bells or pulls and fitting services) in Windsor in the UK. Search Engine Optimization --- An Overview Search engine optimization is one of most popular online marketing tool for any website. With most websites looking forward to increasing the online sales of their products/services, search engine optimization can be a very cost-effective tool to target and procure your customers online. Google, Yahoo! and MSN Line up More Goodies for Internet Users Internet users have never had it better what with Yahoo!, Google and MSN planning to roll out more goodies. 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Using Meta Tags Wisely to Attract Search Engines and Visitors There are certain tricks and techniques in SEO industry, which can fetch you real quick and top ranking in short run and get banned for ever, which I am discussing in this article. Before optimizing any site, always follow code of ethics and never spam. The Search Engine Optimization Game Is Getting Tricky For more than 4 years now I have been modifying my work from home based web sites trying to optimize for the major search engines, Especially Goggle. Today with much disappointment I have come to the realization that search engine traffic alone will not make me rich. Secrets on Website Promotion: How You Can Get a #1 Ranking for Your Website Name Within 30 Days Launching a new website with enough acceleration to rise above this ever increasing daily din needs some force. It is common to see a website with a different name and various product or service offerings with equally unrelated names. Answers Count - Matching Keyword and Phrase Density What's more important to your business success - the question or the answer? Certainly, you want your questions to reflect what you are trying to find out. Obviously, your questions should be easily understood. ![]() |
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