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SEO is Search Engine Optimization |
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Website Promotion: 10 Search Engine Optimization Blunders to Avoid
If you want to develop a successful search engine optimization (SEO) strategy, go out of your way to avoid blunders that limit rankings. Here are 10 to keep in mind: 1. Don't use frames. 2. Don't use Flash. 3. Don't skimp on titles. 4. Don't overstuff titles. 5. Don't bury text. 6. Don't use graphics as page headers. 7. Don't use the wrong words. 8. Don't ignore link building. 9. Don't overwhelm your pages with keywords. 10. Don't use long URLs. Any questions? Michael Murray is vice president of Fathom SEO, an Ohio-based SEO firm. A member of Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO), he also authored the white paper, "Search Engine Marketing: Get in the Game."
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Increase Your Page Rank Through SEO Search Engine Optimization (SEO) must be considered a process and over time you can build your ranking and traffic.Remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day. Winning the Search Engine Wars! Creating and building effective Search Engine marketing campaigns is like trying to nail jello to the wall! The challenge can be daunting to many, requiring very specialized knowledge of process that must be blended with unique and disparate technology. Here is some insight gained from years of experience providing these services to clients. Search Engine Optimization Techniques Search engine optimization is the process of increasing the amount of visitors to a website by achieving a high ranking in the search results of a search engine (i.e. Here Today Gone Tomorrow Its a matter of here today, gone tomorrow at the moment with Google so don't get complacent if you are on the first few pages of the searches. Its great, you are making money and think now you can relax and forget about it for a while. Is Reciprocal Link Exchange Dead? The sun seems to be setting on the world of reciprocal link exchange. Sites that major on that may have to switch to a new paradigm, or go down like the titanic. 7 Search Engine Optimization Strategy Search engine optimization refers to the technique of making your web pages search engine friendly so that search engines are more easy to understand and analyze your website. Consequently, your site has a better chance to gain high search engine ranking. Link Popularity In today scenario when we talk about Search Engine Optimization, we also talk about one of the most important aspect of SEO, which is Link Building. But there are different types, aspects and limitations of Link Building, which would be discussed now under1. Boost Your Website Rankings with Expert Content The chase for a high web ranking is constantly on and is in fact very demanding given the tough competition provided by all the other websites out there who happen to be putting up material on the same subject as you. All websites with average or below average content become victims of isolation and cyber ostracism. The 3 Essential Components of a Search Engine Optimization Campaign Everyday, the Search Engines average 300 MILLION searches. In a recent Forrester Research report 81% of consumers on the Internet find products and services by using the Search Engines. High Google Rankings: Frequency vs. Positioning There's an assumption that the higher a ranking or positioning you have with major search engines; the more people will beat a path to your web doorstep. But based on my experience, that's simply not true! There's another factor that is just as important and may actually drive more traffic to your site. History of World / Regional Search Engines and Directories Computers have become a way of life for people around the world. They are used to research term papers, check weather forecasts, track military progress, exchange ideas (blogs and chat) and to find the cheapest price on items etc. Are You Making These Deadly SEO Mistakes? Black Hat SEO: Web Spamming and Linking to Bad NeighborhoodsSo you want to exchange links with other web sites in order to get higher search engine rankings?So you want to create hundreds of auto-generated, keyword rich pages for your site?Before you go and link to every website that is willing to exchange links, it would be a good idea to know where not to link to. Sometimes it can mean not linking to your own sites. DMOZ: Rotten To The Core I knew things were bad at DMOZ. But I guess I didn't realize how bad, until I started eavesdropping on a few forums, and reading the avalanche of e-mails I received on the subject. Dont Submit Your Website To Any Search Engines We all want to get our websites high up in the search enignes but how do you do it? One thing you shouldn't bother doing is submit your site to any search engines. Not Google, not Yahoo!, not AltaVista. What are the Benefits Of Submitting To Directories? Increasing your web traffic and rank in search engines is probably one of your major goals, at least as far as your online business is concerned. One great way to increase your traffic and weight in the search engines is to submit to directories. You Cannot Hide From the Public Record Search Engines As a search engine optimization specialist, I often run across search engines of different sorts than most people are aware of. This week I stumbled across a free site that is used by journalists to do background checks and fact checking on sources of news stories. Five Tips for Search Engine Optimization Search engine optimization sounds so daunting for most young companies. Who has time for dealing with metatags and keyword density when you're trying to get a company off the ground? Below is a simple list of five things you can easily do to improve your visibility on search engines. Search Engine FAQ Why shouldn't I use a submission service that submits my site to 5000+ search engines?Some Company's claim that they submit your website to 5000+ search engines. The majority of these 5000+ so called search engines are free links for all pages, very special interest web pages or, even worse, websites masquerading as search engines. Search Engine Optimization: What Is It? Search Engine Optimization is the creation of a web page, purposely designed to rank well with the Search Engines.If you want traffic to your website then you must Optimize your website for the Search Engines. Crash Course in Getting a #1 Google Ranking First, here's the rundown of some of the terminology I'm going to use -Inbound Links - Links coming into your site Outbound Links - Links leaving your site Cross Links - Links that you have "traded" with another site (ie, they've got a link from their site to your and you've got a link from your site to theirs) PR (Page Ranking) - Google's measure of how "important" your site isSEO Is Not DeadOk, now lets talk about what you really want to hear - how to get those coveted 1-10 ranks for your keywords. Remember this - SEO is not dead. ![]() |
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