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So, Where Has Your Search Engine Been Today?
Visit Google, Yahoo, MSN or one of the lesser search engines, and you get a few million results for just about any search term. Despite this impressive depth of results, most users consider only a few of the WebPages being pointed to. A lot of research indicates that most searchers exit search engine result pages to visit one of the top three results. That raises the question: What about the remaining million plus results? We Need a Search-Engine to Search Search-Engine Results! Based on the above premise, I set out on a mission to simplify search engine results. But, try as I might, I could not find an automated method to simplify search engine results. I think that is logical, otherwise these multi-billion dollar behemoths would have done so themselves. So, I thought: What is that one thing that I can do which the Googles and Yahoos of the world cannot do. And the quick answer was: I can use human / personal discretion in choosing search results. This would bypass the legion of search engine optimizers who keep building link popularity to rise up in search pages. Can Human Selected Search Results Beat Algorithm Selected Search Results? Tough to say, but you can look for yourself. Compare the Google results for Hair Removal ( and my selected results for Hair Removal ( There is some overlap, but the results that I display are a result of my personal visit to the listed pages. Conclusions As search engines become better and faster, there is a need for a human touch to search results. In this constant struggle between spammy (scammy?) search engine optimizers and search engine engineers, the searcher can be the victim. Ajeet Khurana is a search engine enthusiast and the founder of the Human Search Engine He is also the search engines correspondent for the AIA content network. Read some of his search engine musings at: In another life, Ajeet is the Business Majors correspondent for, an online publication of the New York Times Company:
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Search Engine Copywriting: Focus on One Topic Perhaps the simplest of all the lessons I have learned about writing for search engines is to keep my pages simple. That is to say, whether I am thinking about my readers or about Google, there is a huge advantage to keeping most of your pages confined to a single topic. Feed me - Satisfy the Search Engines and Your Sites Visitors With Keyword-Rich Content Search engines love content. Graphics may make your site look great, but a nice picture does not attract a search engine. THREE Secrets to High Search Engine Rankings the Easy Way! Let me guess, you've read article after article on how to FINALLY get your site ranked at the top of the search engines. In fact, your mind is probably spinning with info and now you are just flat-out confused. Easy And Simple Steps To Get Listed In Search Engines Search engines are one of THE best resource for free advertising. Better your web site's search engine position better be the traffic generation. 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Creating a Google SiteMap For Your Work At Home Business Web Page Search engine traffic is the best traffic You can get for your online Business. So if you are running a Home Based Business with an Online Presence why wouldn't you do everything possible to gain a Top Search Engine Ranking. Playing By Googles Rules As the undisputable leader in search engines, Google places a very high importance on the quality and relevancy of its search results, especially now that the company is public. The know that in order to keep the shareholders and users of the engine happy, the quality of returned results are extremely important. How To Design A Search Engine Friendly Website There are many websites that fail to target their required traffic, even if they've had some search engine optimisation work done. One of the main causes for this is simply because the website isn't search engine friendly. Whats All This Hype About Links? What's all the talk about links we hear about? Reciprocal links? 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Search Engine - Is a database of web sites that is ranked according to the computerized criteria that the programmers decide upon called an algorithm. How To See What Pages Of Your Site Google Has In Its Index There is a lag time between the indexing or updating of your site, and the time it takes to show new results in the database. Depending on your site, where it was linked from, who it was linked from, and who knows what other factors, the amount of time varies. The First Search Engine Marketing Method: Content That Meets Customers Needs For your business web site, good search engine rankings and high user traffic depend on relevant content. More user traffic will mean more sales leads and then more sales. Are You Hung-Up on Page Rank and Back Links? It's unfortunate that many website owners are so hung-up on Page Rank, they'll rarely if ever, link to a site with a page rank lower than their own.I'm frequently approached by other website owners who it's clear want to exchange links with one of my websites for no other reason than its Page Rank and so they can get more back links to their own website. Google Page Rank Is Dead - Or Is It? - Part I For a long time now, marketing gurus all over the world have been talking about google page ranking. Page ranking is simply Google's way of measuring your pages accordingly. |
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