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SEO #2: On-page Optimization
Yesterday you should have read the first course out of 6 courses that will help you get a TOP rank in the search engines and get EXPLOSIVE LASER TARGETED TRAFFIC for Free. Today we move on to course #2 and study on-page optimization. Please read today's course very carefully and take some time to test what I'm about to tell you on your own webpage. Alright let's start! On-page optimization 1) Now we have selected the keywords that we want to optimize for. If you remember from yesterday, the keywords we selected were yo mama joke, blonde joke, and joke online prank. 2) The first part of optimizing your website is to pay close attention to the title on your webpage. The title which appears at the top of the internet explorer page is essential to ranking well in search engines. You must choose a title that contains the MAIN keywords that you want to optimize for. Here is a list of possible titles and which one works BEST. A. Welcome to our website! (This title doesn't contain any of the main keywords and is the worst thing you can put. DO NOT use this!) B. yo mama joke blonde joke and joke online prank (Although this title contains the keywords it contains too much words and makes no sense to the visitors. DO NOT use this!) C. Yo Mama Joke | Blonde Joke Online (As you can see there are less words and I have replaced one of the "ands" with a "|". I have also combined words. This keyword rich and understandable title is what you SHOULD USE!) 3) The second step in on-page optimization is making sure you have meta-tags on your page. The description part of your meta-tags are used by google so make sure to include a good description of your website and throw in the MAIN keywords that you want to optimize for. Here's an example description: "A website bringing you lots of jokes including yo mama joke, blonde joke, joke online prank, and more." If you want a free meta-tag generator then visit: http://www.htmlbasix.com/meta.shtml 4) The third step is the BODY of your webpage; if your webpage has a good keyword density then you will rank well. Keyword density is the number of times a keyword is used in your page. Let's say your webpage has 500 words and you use the keyword "yo mama joke" 25 times then you have a keyword density of 5%. A keyword density of 5-10% is good. So you should try to throw in your MAIN keyword a few times every now and then BUT make sure it makes sense because people will be visiting your website! 5) Now there are many other factors that will help you to rank well in search engines. These factors are < h1 > header tags, < h2 > header tags, Bolding, italicizing, underlining, and < alt > image tags. If you include your keyword in a < h1 > tag then you will tell the search engines that this keyword is important and you will boost the strength of that specific keyword. Using the keyword in < h2 > tags and bolding, italicizing, etc will also give the keyword strength. Last tip for the day is that search engines read pages from the top left hand side of the page to the bottom right hand side of the page. So make sure that your MAIN keywords are at the top of the page as well as at the bottom. Tomorrow I will teach you to Get Listed In Google in Under 24-Hours! This will be an exciting day for you I promise! If you would like to contact me anytime and either complain (why would you!) or give me your testimonial then feel free to do so anytime. I'm there if you need any more help also. Ahmed Omran is an experienced webmaster and marketer who owns Virtual Design - custom Webdesign and Home Based Business Revo
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