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Anchor Text Optimization
Anchor Text (also called phrase linking) can significantly improve your web pages relevance in the search engines. Optimized or keyword rich anchor text can help your web site gain positioning in the search engines as well as help drive better targeted search traffic. What is Anchor Text? Anchor Text is the visible hyperlinked text that you see on the page, here is an example: To read more about search engine optimization techniques, check out my Search Engine Optimization blog. Here the words "search engine optimization" are hyperlinked to the hidden URL of http://seogirl.blogspot.com/. The words, visible, "search engine marketing blog" is the anchor text. Anchor text should be used to indicate the subject matter of the page that it links to. If you use the example above, "Search Engine Optimization Blog" indicates to visitors that they can expect to find information pertaining to search engine optimization if they click on that link. Why is Anchor Text Important? Anchor text is one of the more important elements in influencing a Web site's position in search engine result pages (SERPS). Your anchor text should include important keywords. If the anchor text technique is used properly it will enhance the relevance of the targeted page. The page containing the anchor text will also be enhanced to some degree because you will be using relative keywords. Optimizing Anchor Text of Inbound/External Links Keywords within the anchor text are equally useful from links pointing to your website from other websites. (Inbound links) If you are working on a link building campaign, it is suggested that you have several title and description options for the link pointing to your website. If you supply a webmaster with something to copy and paste they are able to set your link up within a few minutes and you get exactly what you want as far as anchor text. 2005 NMS Nicole St. Martin is a professional search engine optimization consultant currently working in the legal industry. View My Blog:http://seogirl.blogspot.com
MORE RESOURCES: - ������ - ��ʵ�� - Thailand Web Hosting Business - Directory - SEO Thailand - ������˹ѧ - ˹ѧ���� - Domain Names - Web Hosting - Software News - http://www.thaiirc.in.th/seo/ - http://www.siamsupport.net/ - http://onewaylink.narak.com/ - ���� - Website Directory - ����� focus - ö����ͧ - ������ѹ��� focus Sponsored |
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The SEO Gurus poem Am I alone as I survey that vast wilderness outside,Sat at home every day fettered by my own foolish pride,I may believe I can conceive stunning cunning plans,Yet I perceive the web I weave is lacking vital strands,It may transpire my destiny is to conquer virtual space,But I must wire the best of me to another spidery face,For although knowing everything about business and site,To grow means throwing other experts in to get it right,So even this experienced spider who spins webs so fine,Needs for bliss a guider to show the whole world online,His creation, born bred and reared , now standing serene,Will evoke elation and be revered if it can only be seen,There's no point in Picasso no mike in Michelangelo,If the joints a no go and the sound man doesn't show,So that treasure you're concealing from total global view,Measures up and has meaning with others helping you,We all have inborn talent and also inborn failings,So often scorn a balance, chained to our own railings,And our world misses a website that deserved to be a star,But not unfurled in all its might, merely cowering from afar,Why not take your Van Dyke, or Rembrandt seen by few,And let us make it see the light, exposed to global view,Don't hide them in shadows behind barriers of your mind,Where pride and jealous arrows make them hard to find,Instead turn to experts just as good as you would like to be,Who you'll learn to trust, and who will set your website free.John Fowler trained as a Mathematican and has worked in the IT industry for over 30 years, much of the time in sales related functions. 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