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Optimize your Search Engine Placement Five Easy Ways
If you are like me, you created web site metatags with the help of your Web master. Maybe like me, you didn't spend time or money submitting to search engines because you weren't techie enough. Now you can optimize your search engine placement these five easy, non-techie ways. My Web site is now # 1 in Google.com and others. If you are in the top ten listings in your category (mine was book coaching) you are in good shape. This placement has put my web site URL on 4700 other sites with a link back to mine. With targeted viral marketing my sales are 30 times what I started with each month--now over $4500. Here's Five Ways to Get Search Engines to Boost your Ratings: 1. Makeover your signature file that goes out with every email you send. Include your fre.e report or ezine offer, your email, URL, and phone numbers plus a line with your product or service name on it. See more on this in my fre.e article "Top Ten Things to Do to Make your Signature File Sell" at www.bookcoaching.com/freearticles/article124.shtml. 2. Submit short articles to dozens of opt-in ezines who need content daily. Make a special offer in each signature file that relates to your article. Through a hyperlink, offer a free ezine with a free report by autoresponder. To get started, go to www.yahoogroups.com and subscribe to one of the opt-in ezines (no spam). 3. Rewrite your best list of key words and phrases you used for your Web site. Incorporate them into your excellent, well-edited short articles or tips. For more information go to www.goodkeywords.com or see my special fre.e report "Know Which Key Words Will Bring Targeted Visitors to your Web Site" at www.bookcoaching.com/freearticles/article-47.shtml 4. Submit to top Web sites looking for new content.. They want and need your information, because that is why people visit any site--for free information. Follow directions for each site. Many want a list of key words and a description. Others require your article by autoresponder. Four years ago, my URL was on 987 other Web sites. Today it's on 4700. Amazing viral marketing! 5. Makeover your Web home page. Place those top key words and phrases in the top half of this page and in the links you list along the bottom or side of your page. Search engines pick up these and you receive a higher placement. For instance, my top key words include: book coaching, eBook, ePublishing, self-publishing, Online promotion, Web copywriting, Free Publicity. Yes, you can buy key words and put paid ads in Google and Overture, but when I tried that I got almost 0 results and spent a lot of money. The above ways to boost your search engine placement are totally free. It's a building process this viral marketing, but if you are willing to stay a while, you'll get money results as well as becoming well known and trusted for your product or service. Judy Cullins �2004 All Rights Reserved. Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach works with small business people who want to make a difference in people's lives, build their credibility and clients, and make a consistent life-long income. Author of 10 eBooks including "Write your eBook Fast," "How to Market your Business on the Internet," and "Create your Web Site With Marketing Pizzazz," she offers free help through her 2 monthly ezines, "The Book Coach Says..." and "Business Tip of the Month" at http://www.bookcoaching.com/opt-in.shtml and over 155 free articles. Email her at mailto:[email protected].
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Search Engine Wars - Quality Searches Vs Quantity! It is no secret that Google and Yahoo are on a continuous battle to win our hearts and get everyone to convert, but is converting someone really a matter of the quantity or the quality?Let's take a look at some top key searches and compare them with some search engines online. I will outline a few things for each search result:1) Search Engine 2) Number of results found 3) Quality & content of the top 10 sites 4) What you find going beyond the first 10 pagesEach section will get ranked out of 10 points for quality (information taken on August 26,2005). Your Search Engine Optimization Strategy: Make Love, Not War When it comes to search engine optimization strategy, there are basically two camps - those who view search engines as adversaries to be conquered at any cost and those who regard search engines as partners in their online marketing efforts. Long-time readers of my articles probably already have a good idea of which camp I fall into; however, I believe both approaches can be effective optimization methods. Internet Marketing and SEO Have you ever seen any email offers of getting you to the top of search engines guaranteeing top rankings. Like anything in life there is no quick result without hard work. What is Google Talk ? The advent of Internet has affected lives of almost the entire world and websites, e-mails and chating on net none need any introduction even for young kids. There is an outpour of websites throughout the Internet all offering numerous services to attract the potential visitors online. Googles Good-Writing Filter I was recently struck by the fact that the top-ranking web pages on Google are consistently much better written than the vast majority of what one reads on the web. Yet traditional SEO wisdom has little to say about good writing. Onpage Optimization: Essential for Effective Offpage Optimization Onpage optimization is the process by which various elements on an individual web page are structured so that the web page can be found by the search engines for specific keyword(s) or keyword phrases.Onpage optimization will not guarantee any top rating within a search engine, only offpage optimization can offer that guarantee. The Purpose of PageRank? I am sure the first thought provoking question that popped into your head would be: what exactly is PageRank? Well PageRank can be summed up as how vital Google considers a particular webpage. Pagerank is a value from 0-10, zero being the least significant and ten of which few obtain being the most note-worthy. Link Popularity: Why Its The Best Investment You Can Do For Your Business More and more search engines rank your web pages based on the number of links that point to your web site (link popularity). Google uses link popularity as its most important factor in ranking sites. Marketing Articles: Getting A Better Search Engine Rank For All Of Your Pages! In one of my articles, I discussed how to market your web site link twice. It detailed out how to promote not only www. Search Engine Musical Chairs News broke this week that Yahoo has purchased the Inktomi search engine for around US$235 million. This is an interesting development in the search engine industry that may impact greatly on exactly where sites get their traffic from. Choosing a good domain name isnt always so simple. So you need a domain name for your brand new internet business. You may even have some cool ideas for a new domain name combination that will really impress your friends. The Importance of Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization is a key to any successful internet marketing strategy. There are numerous definitions and interpretations as to exactly what Search Engine Optimization means. The (Not So) Shocking Truth About Getting A High Search Engine Ranking I have seen my site hit #3 at Google, and some of my fellow entrepreneurs are wondering how I did it. Well, it's no big secret, and it won't cost you anything but your time. Meta Tags Help Optimize Your Web Site Rankings Are you working on getting your web site up onto the internet?There are a few different elements you need to think about when first putting up your new web site. Starting with the basics and building from there is the best way to go. Stay In The Know With Google SMS The Short Messaging Service (SMS) from Google sends short, quick, text answers in response to your queries from an SMS-enabled mobile device, such as a cell phone. For example, you can look up phone numbers and addresses of local restaurants, do local phone book searches, compare prices from online merchants in Froogle to those you find in local stores, even look up definitions of words from the dictionary. Great Site Ranking in Google The Secrets Out How many years did you register your domain name for? If it was only one then Google could hold that against you.Why?Because the majority of Spam websites only register a domain name for one year. Search Engines The Masters Of The Internet Universe - Part 1 Trillions of Billions of content pages make up the wide world of Internet. Keeping a house clean and arranged with proper placement for each household item is so big a task for each of us that it is a much despised daily chore. Search Engine Optimisation: The Soon to be Impossible Dream! There are today search engine and internet marketing services, in fact a new industry has materialised to exploit the fear of low search rankings.This is not a new trend, back when simply resubmitting your website to the engines resulted in keeping your site at the top of the index, there was an accompanying boom in resubmitting "companies", as we know, these were just men in back bedrooms with a host of CGI and Perl submitting scripts and a timetable. Advertise Locally Using Search Engines While search engine advertising has been a great advertising medium for businesses capable of or interested in marketing their products and services to a national or international audience, the effectiveness of this type of advertising was limited for businesses interested in advertising to a local market until very recently.For example, a realtor with a web site in Minneapolis is likely interested in advertising on search terms such as "homes for sale" and "sell my home. Get A Top Position In Google In Three Days! So how do you get a top listing in Google and how do you get into Google quickly.Lets begin with the latter. ![]() |
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