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Reseller Web Hosting - A Cheaper Alternative?
There comes a time when the internet bug hits us all and we tend to acquire a wealth of domain names and web sites to feed our frenzy. We start out with the best intentions, set up a personal home page with a few details about ourselves, then create more for our family, then our business and before we know it we have several domain names and web sites spread across several web hosting companies. A more convenient approach would be to set yourself up with a reseller account with one hosting company. Most people assume that to have a reseller account, you need to be in the business of selling hosting. This is not true. Anyone can set up a reseller account and enjoy the benefits of saving money and also having the convenience of only dealing with one company for all your hosting needs. I'll take my hosting reseller http://www.HostingRevolution.com as an example. They provide a very competitive reseller account priced at $35. Their Reseller's Package allows you to host 100 Domains. You are allowed to give every Domain you host up to 20GB's of monthly transfer and up to 2.5GB of storage. Previously I had over ten domain names and associated web sites that were costing me around $5 - $10 a month to host. The average months hosting costs were around $50 - $60. Therefore, by setting up a reseller account and transferring my domains and web sites over to my reseller account I made an instant saving of $15 a month. Now, another extension of this would be to start selling hosting to your friends, after all, you have a reseller account. So if you have ten friends, ask them if they would like web hosting on your server, maybe offer it free to them and ask them to recommend your services to their friends, these can then become "paying" customers. Now YOU can get people to pay for hosting and make back the monthly reseller fee. Just sell ten accounts for $3 a month and you have instant income of $30 to offset the $35 reseller fee you are paying. So you get hosting for $5 a month for as many domains and sites as you like. So, with the reseller account you have helped yourself, helped your friends, and possibly started making money as well. Jeff Usher is not a guru or an internet genius. He's just an ordinary guy trying to make his way in the world. Visit his web hosting information site here: http://more-web-hosting.info if you need more resources and information relating to this article.
MORE RESOURCES: - ������ - ��ʵ�� - Thailand Web Hosting Business - Directory - SEO Thailand - ������˹ѧ - ˹ѧ���� - Domain Names - Web Hosting - Software News - http://www.thaiirc.in.th/seo/ - http://www.siamsupport.net/ - http://onewaylink.narak.com/ - ���� - Website Directory - ����� focus - ö����ͧ - ������ѹ��� focus Sponsored |
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