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How to Move Your Domain Without Any Downtime
With a little advanced planning, moving your domain to a new hosting company is a painless process. The approach outlined here will allow you to move any domain without downtime. The basic steps are: The second step is to transfer your domain to a new registrar. I recomend this step IF your registrar and your hosting provider are the same company. Step 2 will take 24 hours wile the domain registries sort themselves out. The third step is to change your name servers to the name servers of your new hosting provider. Simply log in to your domain registrar's control pannel and update the name servers to the ones provided to you by your new hosting company. This step will take the longest. If you want to be paranoid about it, wait atleast 48 hours before going to the next step. The longer you wait the better, but 72 hour should be safe enough. Last but not least, don't forget to cancel your web hosting with your old internet provider. Shawn is the owner of Tandac Enterprises and the Bed and Breakfast Connector.
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