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Linux Servers: Do You Understand the Difference?
First of all, some people are worried that they will not be able to use Linux hosting because they run Windows on their PCs. However, what operating system you run on your own PC is irrelevant to which web hosting environment you can use, because the latter is run remotely on a web server, where your website files will be uploaded. Linux and Microsoft Windows are two different operating systems. Windows is a well-known household name and does not require much introduction. Linux is a new version of the Unix operating system. Both these operating systems make excellent environments for web hosting. However, there are some differences between them. To help you decide whether Linux or Windows hosting is better for you, we look at the following elements: Cost Linux is known as an "open source" operating system. i.e. there is no licensing fees to pay. Therefore, compared to Windows, Linux is very cheap. Starting with Windows XP, Microsoft has begun enforcing software activation. This means that a single copy of Windows can only be installed on one computer. With Linux, once you own a copy, you are free to install it as many times as you wish on any number of computers. Reliability Linux is reputed to be very stable and reliable. This means that a Linux server is much less likely to crash than a Windows server. Subsequently, a Linux server will mean more 'up time' for your website. Experience Linux has many more years of experience than Windows in hosting. Speed There is no real difference in speed between Linux and Windows, but Linux is slightly faster in processing basic web pages. Functionality Windows support ASP (Active Server Pages), a Microsoft programming/scripting language, which allows you to build dynamically database-driven web pages by connecting to a Microsoft database such as SQL Server or Access. Linux does not support ASP nor Microsoft databases, but uses MySQL database instead. If you use Microsoft Frontpage to create your website, it doesn't mean that you have to choose Windows hosting. All Linux accounts come free with Frontpage extensions, which allow you to upload your Frontpage website to your web space on a Linux server. Scripts There are many CGI programs available on the Internet. The majority of these are Perl scripts and have been developed on Linux / Unix web servers. So they tend to install more smoothly and operate more reliably on a Linux server. Moreover, many Perl scripts are downloadable from the Internet free of charge. To summarise, most users find that Linux hosting is easier to use, more reliable, provides free, open source software and is much cheaper than Windows hosting. So unless you particularly need to use Windows specific features such as ASP and an Access database, it is probably a better choice to choose Linux over Windows. For more information on Linux hosting, visit www.frontierpowerhosting.com Matt Bacak became "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. Recent Entrepreneur Magazine's e-Biz radio show host is turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into Overnight Success Stories. Discover The Secrets To Unleash The Powerful Promoter In You! Sign up for Matt Bacak's Promoting Tips Ezine ($100 value) just visit his website at http://www.powerfulpromoter.com or http://promotingtips.com
MORE RESOURCES: - ������ - ��ʵ�� - Thailand Web Hosting Business - Directory - SEO Thailand - ������˹ѧ - ˹ѧ���� - Domain Names - Web Hosting - Software News - http://www.thaiirc.in.th/seo/ - http://www.siamsupport.net/ - http://onewaylink.narak.com/ - ���� - Website Directory - ����� focus - ö����ͧ - ������ѹ��� focus Sponsored |
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How To Choose The Best Web Host For You Web Hosting is a service. Auto mechanics also provide a service. First Web Hosting Experience Well? you've purchased a domain name? created a pretty design? filled it with content? what now?HOSTING.I suppose that you know what a web hosting is, and we don't need to repeat in once again. Choosing the Right Web Host Whatever type of website you want to host, choosing the correct host can be tricky. Most hosting companies offer you more than you will ever use, their sales staff recommend high-end packages for small websites. Business Web Hosting: Which is Right for You? Business web hosting is what you need. You have a website you need to put online. How To Host Several Websites Under One Account If you operate several websites, each with its own domain name, signing up of separate hosting accounts can be an expensive proposition. Even if your hosting company offers the add-on domain feature (which will allow you to add different domains to the same hosting account) you will be charged a monthly fee for each domain you add, sometimes costing almost the same as your full hosting fee. Choosing a Right Hosting Solution You must have done all the hard works for developing your website but when it comes selecting your host you may face trouble that it does not have all the features which is required by your site. I know there are 100's of instance where a newbie or startup website owner suffered heavy losses in terms of money, delayed projects, financial debts and other things. Battle Of The Hostings There are literally thousands of hosting solutions on the internet right now, from the free ones at www.geocities. Dedicated Server Price Check The price of dedicated hosting services has really come down in the past couple of years. In fact, prices have dropped so much for the "budget dedicated server" market. 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How to Achieve # 1 on Free Hosting A domain name and paid hosting are considered essential for an internet marketer.Majority of the websites that are successful have their own domain name and a paid host. Free Web Hosting Tips 1. The reliability of the service and their offers. How To Find The Best Web Hosting For You Deciding on the best web hosting company for a web site is often difficult if an individual isn't sure what they should look for in their web hosting company. Examining the promotional material and information of most web hosting services can make choosing the best web hosting service a time consuming challenge. 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Web Hosting Help - What's Bandwidth Bandwidth can make all the difference when choosing where to host your websiteA common mistake made by so many people when looking to choose a web host company is not asking about bandwidth. After spending so long designing or with a developer designing your web site you do not want to see a good web site ruined and only viewed by a handful of people at a time. Advanced Hosting for the Mission Critical Web Presence As companies that conduct their business online have proliferated, hosting of those websites that provide the primary point of contact for transaction of business has become highly mission critical; having these sites go offline or perform poorly not only loses revenue but also detracts from the company's image and loses customer loyalty.Companies such as betting and online gaming have even more stringent requirements because they need to provide a guaranteed response in near real time. ![]() |
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