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Drive More Traffic to Your Website With Your Web Page Title!
One of the most overlooked, but important components, on your web page is the Meta title. The Meta title is the text or page title found at the top left of your browser window and it is also the title saved when a web site visitor bookmarks your website. Some people will argue that search engines put little or no value on the title tag, but regardless of how the Meta title figures into the ranking algorithm, the title tag is still critical to driving new and repeat traffic to your website. Countless sites under-utilize this title space by entirely forgetting to name their pages (untitled document) or name their page something completely useless or generic (welcome to our site, or home). An "untitled document" or "home" bookmark will do little to help encourage repeat visitors to your website. Either the visitor will have to take time to rename your bookmark or they will completely forget what the bookmark is for. Not only does the title tag provide the bookmark name, but it also determines the clickable link that is displayed on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). For example: If your title tag looks like this: Customized Email Stationary/Branded Email Your page will show up like this on a Google search (or another SERP) Customized Email Stationary / Branded Email Obviously "untitled document" or "welcome to our site" is not very effective in drawing visitors to your site. Follow these tips on writing an effective and useful title tag. Search engines ignore (or don't index) "stop words," so avoid using them in your title. Stop words are common words that really don't help determine the true content of your site. Examples of stop words are: the, with, to, also, an, and, as, at, be, because. Space is already limited in your title tag, so there is no sense wasting space on words that will be ignored by the Search Engines and really won't help bring any new traffic to your site. Basically, you can bring more visitors to your website site by keeping your Title Tags simple and meaningful. � 2005 Tanya Beaudoin o/a Office on Demand, All rights reserved. You are free to use this article in its entirety, as long as you include complete attribution, including live web site link. Please also notify Mrs. Beaudoin as to where the material will appear. The attribution should read: "Tanya Beaudoin, B.A. owns and operates a Web Design Company - OOD Web & Graphic Design Studio - that specializes in e-solutions and graphic design (including web design, search engine optimization and internet marketing products like e-stationary and newsletters). Please visit Tanya's web site at http://www.officeondemand.ca for additional business related articles"
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