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Cheap Web Hosting - When Cheaper is Better
Anyone who has ever shopped for web hosting knows that you can spend anywhere from nothing up to several hundred dollars to host your web site. So what's the difference? Well often times if you're talking about typical shared web hosting in the $6 to $20 range - nothing. That's right - nothing! Nothing that is, except good old fashioned marketing and hype! We compared standard features on 5 well known shared hosting accounts to see exactly what you get for your money - and the results may surprise you. What we really care about in our test is probably what you would care about as a small business owner looking for hosting for a basic site: adequate disk space, ample email accounts, and reasonable bandwidth. We looked over all the other bells and whistles - but weren't really willing to pay loads extra for them. We were also looking for a short term contract (monthly or quarterly) - not a year or two commitment. Upscale Verio's Bronze Plan - http://hosting.verio.com/index.php/unixwin_bronze.html Monthly Price (including set up fees) - $24.95 per month + free setup Basic Specs - 250 MB of diskspace, 7.5 GB of bandwidth, and 20 email accounts Extra's - Web design software, free domain pointing, Urchin web stats, free chat software Our take - If this were 1998 I might consider paying $24.95 for a package like this?oh wait, it's 2004. Mid Tier Interland's b100 Account - http://www.interland.com/shared/bluehalo/?package=b100 Monthly Price (including set up fees) - $12.95 per month + free setup Basic Specs - 250 MB of diskspace, 10 GB of bandwidth, and 30 email accounts Extra's - WebTrends web stats, access to log files, firewall protection Our take - This is one of the biggest brands in hosting and their prices have been reduced of late. Still pretty expensive compared to aggressive lower priced competitors. SuperbHosting's U Power Service - http://www.superbhosting.net/upower.php Monthly Price (including set up fees) - $12.50 per month + free setup Basic Specs - 1000 MB of diskspace, 50 GB of bandwidth, and 250 email accounts Extra's - Free domain, 30-day money back guarantee, daily data backups, free search engine submission, no content restrictions Our take - Another well known hosting service that seems to offer considerably more value in the mid-tier than other companies. Cheap Hosting IPowerWeb - http://www.ipowerweb.com/products/webhosting/index.html Monthly Price (including set up fees) - $9.95 per month + $30 setup Basic Specs - 800 MB of diskspace, 40 GB of bandwidth, and 400 email accounts Extra's - $50 Google AdWords credit, money back guarantee, SSL included, unlimited email forwarding Our take - Often thought of as the low priced hosting leader. Their plans really shine when signing up for an annual account where the price drops to $7.95 per month. HostSave Standard Hosting - http://www.hostsave.com/hosting/plan_features.htm Monthly Price (including set up fees) - $8.95 per month + free setup Basic Specs - 1000 MB of diskspace, 100 GB of bandwidth, and 500 email accounts Extra's - Free MySQL database, catch-all email address, PERL v5, log file access Our take - This looks like the best deal for our basic needs. They have a big brand name and all the features we need plus the MySQL database thrown in. Conclusions You can pay a lot for basic shared web hosting - you can also get it on the cheap. While certain specialty features might justify paying a premium, our analysis suggests that you can probably get the same specs - maybe even better specs - without paying more money. So for our hard earned bucks, cheaper is definitely better! About The Author Bob Frazer Email: [email protected] CheapHostingDirectory.Com is a resource for webmasters and consumers looking to find a web hosting company or a quality expiring domain names with traffic. CHD is part of the TechPad Agency network of web hosting related sites, visit www.thetechpad.com for more information.
MORE RESOURCES: - ������ - ��ʵ�� - Thailand Web Hosting Business - Directory - SEO Thailand - ������˹ѧ - ˹ѧ���� - Domain Names - Web Hosting - Software News - http://www.thaiirc.in.th/seo/ - http://www.siamsupport.net/ - http://onewaylink.narak.com/ - ���� - Website Directory - ����� focus - ö����ͧ - ������ѹ��� focus Sponsored |
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A Simple Guide to Web Hosting Personal Computers, Servers Or ISP?You need a server to host your site so that it can be viewed over the internet. This server can either be an Internet Service Provider or of your own. Managed Hosting Services - Who Benefits from It? Managed Hosting Services are used primarily by companies that either don't have staff with the expertise to manage a dedicated server or don't have staff with the time to attend to the needs of managed hosting. In either case the option of having the host manage the server can be of great value to firms that have such needs. Finding a reliable hosting provider The website hosting business is very competitive these days with hundreds of thousands of reliable hosting companies out there but what company is best for your needs and that will provide you with a reliable hosting service from customer support to the reliability of there web servers. The following is what is the most important aspects you need to consider when choosing a web hosting provider: 1)Customer Service - Customer service is a very important aspect of any host if not the most important you will need to check there reliability by:- Seeing if they have a 24 hour contact phone number -FAQ section on there website to help you with the most common questions such as what are name servers? -Ticket support to answer any non urgent questions that you might have -Live support isn't essential but it is useful for quick help 2)Servers-The serer are the most important part of a web host since without them they can be a host. Web Hosts: Helping Us Navigate Through This Future Techno-World Computers, Internet, Web sites?what do they all mean? Hey, you're probably not a technophobe, I mean you own a microwave right? Just push a few buttons and the food cooks itself-easy. Now, they tell you the best way to share information, have a business, and generally communicate in life, are on the Web. What to Look for in a Free Hosting Provider The first thing that you must realize when looking for a free hosting provider is that nothing is truly "free". There will be some sacrifices?First of all, if you see free hosting that promises to be without ads or banners, then it's not truly free. Does Your Host Fight Spam? Virtually anyone with an email address knows what Spam is, and has, perhaps, considered giving up the speed, convenience, and simplicity of email because of it. Those who have their own websites are more vulnerable than the average person with a single work or home email address from their company or Internet Service Provider. Choosing a Right Hosting Solution You must have done all the hard works for developing your website but when it comes selecting your host you may face trouble that it does not have all the features which is required by your site. I know there are 100's of instance where a newbie or startup website owner suffered heavy losses in terms of money, delayed projects, financial debts and other things. UNIX vs. Windows- What Server Operating System Should You Use for Your Web Hosting? So you've decided to create a website? The most obvious thing that you need is of course web hosting. Among other things, like cost and features, you'll need to decide which server you'll need: Windows (NT, 2000 or XP) or Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc. How Can I Get The Web Host Services And Support I Need, Hassle-free? Choosing a host or switching hosts can be an agonizing experience. There are so many choices and price structures. How to Choose a Web Hosting Company Web Hosting AdviceChoosing a web hosting company to host your website isn't easy these days. There are literally thousands of web hosting companies to choose from, each offering different combinations of web space, bandwidth, extras (such as databases, asp, php, cgi, free scripts), and customer support. What Some Web Hosts Dont Want You To Know Many start-up web hosts in their desperate attempt to get hosting business from you have plenty to hide. Here are some of the things they will never tell you. How To Build A Successful Hosting Company There are a couple of key things to look at when starting a hosting company. Basically there are four major factors to look at provided you have the servers, and technical abilities. How Much Bandwidth Does Your Web Site Need? One of the most common concerns people have when deciding to host a web site is figuring out how much bandwidth they'll need. Get too little bandwidth and you might be hit with overage fees or have your web site shut off altogether. Reseller Web Hosting - A Cheaper Alternative? There comes a time when the internet bug hits us all and we tend to acquire a wealth of domain names and web sites to feed our frenzy.We start out with the best intentions, set up a personal home page with a few details about ourselves, then create more for our family, then our business and before we know it we have several domain names and web sites spread across several web hosting companies. Unique Features that Leading Web Hosts are Now Offering Some web hosts are offering more than others for the same price or even for a lower price. There is no denying the fact that as competition increases amongst web hosting services, many are looking for ways and means to stand out and be different from their competitors. Windows Hosting versus Linux Hosting The matter of choosing between the operating system (OS) running the web server hosting your web site as old as the web hosting business. The OS controls all the functions of the web server hosting your site, so it comes naturally to pay special attention when choosing one over another. Back To School Web Hosting Every year as school starts web hosts see an up tick in orders as entrepreneurs and stay at home parents have more free time and the vacation summer season winds down to the shorter days of winter. Many hosting companies plan special fall campaigns designed for these small business startups. Choosing a Web Hosting Provider from 40 Million Other Web Hosts - Pt1 Discover how to go about choosing a web hosting provider in ways that 99.5% of the advice on the Internet never mention. How To Find The Best Web Hosting For You Deciding on the best web hosting company for a web site is often difficult if an individual isn't sure what they should look for in their web hosting company. Examining the promotional material and information of most web hosting services can make choosing the best web hosting service a time consuming challenge. Choosing a Hosting Service: A Checklist for Business Owners For a website to appear on the Internet, you require a "server" that is usually provided by a web hosting company. Hosting companies are paid monthly, quarterly or yearly. ![]() |
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