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More Profits in Your Website Hosting Business
If you run a website hosting business, you already know the challenges in the business. Thousands of competitors are just a click away, ready to undercut your price. Potential customers see hosting as a commoditiy and shop by price. Several directories like Hostreview, Acehosts and Hostindex make it easy to comparison shop. How can you get more profits from your business under these conditions? FIRST, GET THE CUSTOMER Calculate the lifetime value of your customer. For example, let's say the average customer stays with you for 15 months and pays 16.95 a month. That means their lifetime value to your company is $254.25. So every customer you acquire makes your business (on average) $254.25. If a visitor comes to your website, then leaves to comparison shop, you have more than likely lost that sale. Have you invested in sales copy that compels your visitors to buy from you? Does your website help him to see that you are the best choice for his situation? Showcase your credibility, guarantee services and offer incentives to try your service. Make it easy to buy from you. NEXT, KEEP THE CUSTOMER Because each customer is hard-won and the value of the customer is so high, you'll want to make sure you have the support services that keep your customers happy. Once a customer leaves you for another website host, he's gone forever. You probably already make customer service a priority, with email answered in a timely fashion and well-trained technical support. Go the extra mile. Don't wait for customers to contact you. Ask your customer how you're doing. THEN, SELL MORE TO THE CUSTOMER The customer has already bought from you. There is familiarity and trust. You can easily offer complimentary items to your current customer list. The major concern of your customer is how to succeed online. It's easy to offer online marketing tools, ebooks and additional services. It can be as simple as joining an affiliate program for an item your customer may need, then making him aware of the item. Focus on these 3 areas, getting the customer, keeping the customer and selling more to him. You'll enjoy higher profits in your website hosting business. About The Author Resource: Raynay Valles is a Marketing Specialist and author of Profitable Website Hosting. Find out how to get the report at http://www.jawdrop.com/ebooks/webhosting.html or email [email protected]
MORE RESOURCES: - ������ - ��ʵ�� - Thailand Web Hosting Business - Directory - SEO Thailand - ������˹ѧ - ˹ѧ���� - Domain Names - Web Hosting - Software News - http://www.thaiirc.in.th/seo/ - http://www.siamsupport.net/ - http://onewaylink.narak.com/ - ���� - Website Directory - ����� focus - ö����ͧ - ������ѹ��� focus Sponsored |
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You'll want to choose a web hosting provider that can be of assistance from the moment you choose one of their web hosting plans. Beware of the Hidden Perils of Low Cost Hosting Some folks classify low cost web hosting on the same level as free web hosting and while this may seem a little harsh, there are certain factors one needs to be very careful about when going for low cost web hosts.One of these is downtime. The Problem with Free Web Hosting Plans In my opinion, free web hosting is one of the most misunderstood concepts on the web today. Free web hosting plans are becoming increasingly popular as new webmasters bite into the idea without actually analyzing the consequences. Windows Hosting versus Linux Hosting - Which is right for you? There are literally hundreds of thousands of web hosting companies out there. Many of these companies offer both Windows hosting and Linux hosting plans. How To Have Several Websites But Pay For Only One Websites Hosting Many online entrepreneurs these days are faced with the problem of running several websites and having to maintain several web hosting accounts for the various sites. Actually there is a very simple and effective solution to this problem. The 14 Point Web Hosting Checklist How To Select A Web Hosting CompanyWhen starting out, it is easy to overlook some of the most important factors when selecting a web host while paying too much attention on great features which you may not need at the start.For example, most new webmasters judge a web host by the amount of disk space they offer. In Search of Webhosting: First Understand the Industry In search of a webhosting company for personal or small business purposes? We advise you to take a look at this article to understand the hosting industry and study its dynamics to know what to look for before you make your choice.First, a brief introduction to the webhosting chain: the end consumer is served by about 3 upstream providers: the webhosting provider that they have direct contact with, the webhost's upstream company who maintains the servers and sells space to webhosts, and above that, the datacenter that provides the connection and houses the servers. Great Web Hosting - What to Look For! Web hosting can best be described as a modern-day marriage: none of this till death do us part stuff, it's more like I'll stick around as long as your uptime is 100%, you answer my frantic queries instantly, and you charge me less than a decent latte at Starbucks. What follows is a few tips to help make the relationship less rocky and possibly prosperous!First of all, we all need to take a little responsibility and at least figure out what we think we need from a web host up front. Choose A Host That Matches Your Home Business Needs With plethora of hosting companies offering services, choosing a good web host seems an intimidating task. The technical jargon is hard to decipher and that makes it difficult further. Importance of Educated Choice While Choosing A Web Hosting Provider There are many attributes that makes a web hosting provider stand out from the crowd. But in this current highly competitive world the providers have become so adept in posing as the best out there that it becomes very difficult to choose the best for your business. A Simple Guide to Web Hosting Personal Computers, Servers Or ISP?You need a server to host your site so that it can be viewed over the internet. This server can either be an Internet Service Provider or of your own. Which Is The Better Server Operating System, Unix or Windows? Anybody who decides to get a web hosting service or facility for their website will also soon be faced with the tough question of what server they will need. Will their website be run by a Windows server operating system or will they prefer to go for a Unix system?Typical Windows servers will run on Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP, while Unix servers could be Linux or Open BSD to name just two. How to Find a Dependable Web Host Your new website is ready to upload, and now you need a web host. Or perhaps you already have a web host, but uptime and support are lacking. Choosing a Right Hosting Solution You must have done all the hard works for developing your website but when it comes selecting your host you may face trouble that it does not have all the features which is required by your site. I know there are 100's of instance where a newbie or startup website owner suffered heavy losses in terms of money, delayed projects, financial debts and other things. Will All The $1.95 And Free Hosts Survive? The main thing wrong today with trying to find a host for most individuals and businesses is the shear number of them. Their prices range from free to hundreds of dollars per month. Choosing the Right Web Host So you've decided about your website design and now you are ready to have your website hosted!When choosing the right web host, they are several factors to consider:I. How often is the web server up? II. UNIX vs. Windows- What Server Operating System Should You Use for Your Web Hosting? So you've decided to create a website? The most obvious thing that you need is of course web hosting. Among other things, like cost and features, you'll need to decide which server you'll need: Windows (NT, 2000 or XP) or Unix (Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, etc. Choosing Your Web Hosting Package General rule of thumb is not to sign up for yearly web hosting plans. Instead, get monthly plan where you can unsubscribe from on the second month when you are not happy with the service. ![]() |
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