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Web Hosting Providers - Find A Newbie Friendly Web Site Host
If you're about to set up your first web site and are completely new to running a web site, a dependable web hosting plan with stellar customer service is an absolute must. You'll want to choose a web hosting provider that can be of assistance from the moment you choose one of their web hosting plans. You need a company that offers more than web space with their hosting plans. Here are a few extra perks you should look for that will make your life as a newbie webmaster far. far easier. Web Site Building Tools with Flexibility With the competition for web hosting business high, one of the hottest selling points that many use is their web site building tools. When you're looking for a web host, read the hosting plan description to see which building tools they offer. Your best choice is a web hosting service that offers you a variety of tools - from Easy build 1-2-3 site designers to an online html editor. The EZ-Builder is a what you need if you want to get your first site up and running quickly, but a builder that offers you flexibility and customization will help you move from 'Make it for me' to 'do it yourself' in the shortest amount of time. Excellent Documentation and Help Files When you've narrowed your choice down to one or two web hosting providers, point your browser to the Support section of their web sites and check out the documentation. Pick the one that offers help files on every single tool they offer, and step-by-step tutorials that show you how to do everything you might need to do. Look for a search utility and a FAQ page that will help you find the answers on what you need to know. The better the help files provided by your web hosting provider, the easier it will be for you to create a great web site with little outside help or support. 24/7 customer support Sometimes, no matter how good the help files, you can't find what you need. Sometimes there are things that your web hosting company has to set for you. 24/7 customer support is VITAL. Check the support options that the web hosting company offers - email, phone, live chat? Can you reach them 24 hours a day and get a real live person in case of an emergency? If you can't, especially on your first web site, pick another web hosting company. Starting your first web site can be exciting and frustrating. Choose a web hosting company that gives you options, choices and support that will make it easier for you. To view our top recommended companies for web hosting, visit: Recommended Web Hosting Companies Online. Carrie Reeder is the owner of Ezerk, an informational website with articles and the latest news about various topics, including web hosting.
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And just like those pesky weeds, they usually aren't going to benefit your business at all. Free Or Not Free -- Its Your Choice The internet is one of the world's top sources of information, products and just about anything else you could possibly want. And, if you have spent any amount of time online, you must have noticed that much of it is free. Finding a Home for Your Internet Enterprise - A Point by Point List After much Net surfing and looking at all the offers you've decided to take the plunge! You've investigated a good name for your idea. You've decided it's time to start searching for a home for your Internet vision. Uptime Guarantee - Good Idea? When looking for a Web Host there are lots of factors that come into play. Usually the deciding factors are price and bandwidth. Dedicated Server Price Check The price of dedicated hosting services has really come down in the past couple of years. In fact, prices have dropped so much for the "budget dedicated server" market. Web Design and Hosting - Free Web Hosting Perks That Will Perk Up Your Web Site If you've got or are considering a web hosting account with PHP and mySQL support, you'll find a wealth of free programs and scripts to take advantage of their powerful combined capabilities.Web hosting providers, from free to pricey, have always included some free pre-installed scripts to their customers in the way of guest books, counters and calendars. Demand Unlimited Auto-Responders with Your Hosting Accounting AutoResponders are nifty scripts that run in your web server 24/7 serving immediate email responses to questions, support and sales. Think about this, your customer comes to your website and spends a round 200$ to get your product. Attracting Extra Web Hosting Customers By Targeting Cities, i.e. New York Web Hosting These searchers are looking for a hosting company in a particular city, state, or country, but given the proper message they can often be convinced to try your hosting company. 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Throw in the search term "web hosting" into major search engines and you will see what I mean. ![]() |
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