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Overselling Web Hosting: What Does It Mean To You?
Overselling is a big trend in the web-hosting world at the moment. It's an easy way to get more out of your servers than normally is possible. The basic idea of overselling is that the majority of your clients are only going to use a fraction of the resources allocated to them so there's going to be a lot of wasted bandwidth and space. Overselling involves taking a gamble and selling more than you can handle assuming that the unused resources will cover it. Let's say for example that a server hard drive is 80GB and has 1200GB of bandwidth. The hosting company has a look around and decides that to be competitive they need to offer plans with 2GB of disk space and 40GB bandwidth. With these figures they can only offer 30 hosting packages per server. This leaves quite a bit of wasted disk space and after a few months the company will probably notice that their users aren't using all of the available bandwidth. Because of this the company then assumes that it can safely sell at least 10 more packages on the one server. If the original number of customers already covers general costs then the extra packages provided by overselling are pure profit. The advantage of overselling for the host is that they make more money off each server than they otherwise normally would be able to. The advantage for the client is that this extra revenue is usually transferred on (at least in theory) by cheaper hosting packages with more features. The problem is that these features are often 'smoke and mirrors'. A few users would be able to use their entire allotment without any trouble, but if every single client were to build their website up to maximum capacity the host wouldn't be able to handle the sudden increase in demand without adding extra hard drives, buying more bandwidth, or perhaps even another server. This would most likely lead to a fair amount of downtime. Web hosts aren't going to advertise the fact that they oversell. It's not something that will gain them customers and it's likely to drive away a few. In general however, they're likely to get away with it without any real problems. The reason the idea even exists is that it is true that the majority of websites don't use all of the space that's allocated to them. The problem is that it's not a particularly honest way of dealing with clients. It's a little like the 'Emperor's New Clothes' where the host is just hoping that no one notices the fact that a package is in fact a little nude. Overselling will generally not be a problem unless a host gets too greedy and ends up selling much more than they could possibly provide for. On the other hand, it's not even necessary as the host can usually make enough money to make ends meet without overselling. It will generally be quite difficult for you to find out whether or not a host oversells unless they specifically advertise it, or they're well known for having problems due to excessive overselling. Just make sure you do some research and choose a reliable host, not necessarily the one that appears to offer ridiculous amounts of bandwidth or disk space for far too little money. Daniel Punch
MORE RESOURCES: - ������ - ��ʵ�� - Thailand Web Hosting Business - Directory - SEO Thailand - ������˹ѧ - ˹ѧ���� - Domain Names - Web Hosting - Software News - http://www.thaiirc.in.th/seo/ - http://www.siamsupport.net/ - http://onewaylink.narak.com/ - ���� - Website Directory - ����� focus - ö����ͧ - ������ѹ��� focus Sponsored |
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Types of Web Site Hosting First of all we must determine the meaning of the word "hosting".So, what is hosting?Hosting origins from the word "host" which has different meanings that are familiar to you. Small And Medium Businesses Embrace Servers Running Linux Although we are aware of Linux adoption by large enterprises, most people do not know that there are sizeable numbers of installations in small and medium businesses (SMBs) as well. This base is set to grow as server vendors lob tailor made Linux servers and applications at SMBs. The Perfect Support Hosting Support - An IntroductionImagine yourself as a person running a small-medium sized online store that concentrates on affordablly prized gift items, and say, it's Christmas time. Everybody is on a shopping spree, and you have been waiting for this vacation to arrive, as it is the time of the year when your business really blooms, and with which's revenues you have got to plan for the year to come. CGI Web Hosting - 3 Essential Scripts for Your Business If there's one thing that people love it is a web site that has plenty of automated features. Sites that are highly interactive tend to get the most traffic and generate the most business for the companies that run them. Linux Servers: Do You Understand the Difference? First of all, some people are worried that they will not be able to use Linux hosting because they run Windows on their PCs. However, what operating system you run on your own PC is irrelevant to which web hosting environment you can use, because the latter is run remotely on a web server, where your website files will be uploaded. How Multiple Server Hosting impacts your websites uptime This article describes the technology behind multiple server hosting and how you may utilize it to maximize your site's security and uptimeHosting of web sites has essentially become a commodity. There is very little distinguishing one hosting company from the next. Choose A Host That Matches Your Home Business Needs With plethora of hosting companies offering services, choosing a good web host seems an intimidating task. The technical jargon is hard to decipher and that makes it difficult further. Web Hosting Solutions In Birmingham Once you have a website you then need to think about hosting your site. There are many hosting companies offering different fees, therefore it can be quite difficult in finding the best deal. Monitor Your Web Site for Downtime For those in the Internet business the availability of their web site is a major concern. The cost of downtime for web businesses can amount to $10,000 an hour. How To Choose The Best Web Host For You Web Hosting is a service. Auto mechanics also provide a service. The Web Hosting Industry 2005 For the "big things" to be build it was certainly needed a solid platform formed from the brochureware Web Sites connected together, that in the past ten years became suitable for e-commerce, communications and special software. That was the first decade of the Web Hosting Industry. GBs and Gbs of Web Hosting What is web hosting you ask? Web hosting refers to the service that a webmaster provides to ensure your website and email at your domain name stay up and running 24/7. Think of web hosting as renting space on a special computer that stays on all the time to keep your precious domain name up and running. Dedicated Web Hosting : The Executive Summary What is Dedicated Web Hosting? Dedicated web hosting can alleviate the need to share hardware or software with any other sites or web pages. Webmasters are given the autonomy to decide on applications that are installed on the server to create specific configurations for their web needs, and have the ability to provide a secure environment for their site. 4 Critical Things To Look Out For In A Web Hosting Service 1. The reputation of the web hosting company. Questions To Ask a Hosting Company Before You Start There are several types of hosting. Among them are:Free hosting Free sites are for people who's sites are small and do not expect much traffic. Web Hosting Services Absolutely Necessary for Your Websites Success Web hosting services play a vital part in your website's success. Without a web host you will not have any way to support your site on the Internet, so you must make sure that you choose a quality hosting account that provides a wide variety of features and services. How To Change Your Web Hosting Provider - Step-By-Step Guide Whether you are disgruntled with the level of service your current web hosting provider, or you have discovered a provider that offers you better deal, or your online business has simply outgrown your present provider, any reason is as good as any for changing your web hosting provider. The only concern is how to switch your web site from a web host to another in the right way and no or as little aggravations as possible. Web Site Hosting For Your Business - Free or Paid? It's time to choose! Should you spend some money to get a web hosting solution for your business or get one for free?Yes, the big moment has finally arrived. Your business is now on the verge of taking the next step forward. Dedicated Web Hosting Is Easy When You Know These 3 Timesaving Secrets Dedicated web hosting has its difficulties and problems from time to time like all technology. However, there are certain things you can do to prepare yourself for any server downtime or other problems that might arise. Finding a reliable hosting provider The website hosting business is very competitive these days with hundreds of thousands of reliable hosting companies out there but what company is best for your needs and that will provide you with a reliable hosting service from customer support to the reliability of there web servers. The following is what is the most important aspects you need to consider when choosing a web hosting provider: 1)Customer Service - Customer service is a very important aspect of any host if not the most important you will need to check there reliability by:- Seeing if they have a 24 hour contact phone number -FAQ section on there website to help you with the most common questions such as what are name servers? -Ticket support to answer any non urgent questions that you might have -Live support isn't essential but it is useful for quick help 2)Servers-The serer are the most important part of a web host since without them they can be a host. ![]() |
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