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Cheap Hosting Packages and Low Cost Web Hosting - Watch For Hidden Costs
If you're shopping around for an affordable web hosting plan, knowing what services you want and what you should pay for them can help you pick out hidden costs that could launch your cheap hosting plan into an expense you just can't afford. Here are a few things to be on the watch for when you're shopping for the best low-cost web hosting plan for your personal or business web site. A La Carte Pricing Don't be pulled in by impossibly low prices. While the explosion of reseller web hosting has dropped web hosting costs to bargain basement prices, you should still expect to pay for quality, dependable, professional web hosting services. A la carte prices can make a web hosting plan seem like an incredibly good deal, but be sure to know exactly what you need and what you'll be paying for it. When you add in setup fees, upgrade fees and additional monthly fees for things like scripting support, a mySQL database and php support, you can end up paying far more for your affordable plan than if you'd opted to pay a few dollars more for a more inclusive plan. Read the Fine Print Read through every little entry in the comparison chart to see what you're being charged for, and what fees you might incur if you go over your monthly limits. If something isn't clear, or isn't listed, email the company to ask what they charge for particular services and if there's a setup fee. It will tell you more than just how much the services cost - it will tell you how well they respond to support and help requests. Unlimited May Not Be Unlimited Don't put your reading glasses away yet. If a plan promises 'unlimited traffic', read the fine print to see how they define 'unlimited'. Many web hosting providers use 'typical usage patterns' to define what unlimited means. If your web site becomes popular enough to exceed what's normal for other web sites of your size, you could end up getting charged extra for bandwidth even if it says 'unlimited'. E-Commerce Ready Sites for Cheap Prices Check to see what's actually included in that cheap e-commerce ready site. Does it include access to their secure server, or will you have to purchase your own license? Is there a good deal on bill-collecting services and credit card access, or will you have to arrange your own? Be sure you know what you're getting for your money so you can plan your web hosting expenses wisely. There are a lot of legitimately good web hosting deals to be had, but just like any other purchase, it pays to do your homework to make sure that you get the most affordable, most professional and best web hosting deal you can find. To view our recommended web hosts, visit, Recommended Web Hosting Companies. Carrie Reeder is the owner of eZerk, an informational website, with articles and the latest news about various topics.
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Avoid Getting Ripped Off By A Hosting Company Chances are if you host multiple domains or websites you are spending too much money at your current hosting provider. Other hosting companies increase their profits by forcing you to create an additional hosting account every time you want to host a new domain or website. Unlimited Wealth Creation Through Reseller Hosting Web hosting can be an exciting business start up for aspiring entrepreneurs. All you have to do to set up your business is become a hosting reseller, i. Choosing The Wrong Server Will Literally Make Or Break You Choosing the right web server will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make with your online business. Why? Because the web server you choose will literally make or break your online business. Who Should Become a Web Host Reseller? You're the webmaster of more than one website. You design websites for clients. Hosting Your Way All The Way To The Bank Let's face it, the Internet is here for good. Today's Internet reminds me of the California gold rush. Solving Common Problems with Hosting Companies For those of you with Web sites, you probably know what a "host" is. It's a company that provides a location, or address, on the Internet where your Web site resides. How to Choose the Web Site Hosting Service thats Right for You There are few things as critical to your e-business success as having a reliable web hosting service .. How to Find a Dependable Web Host Your new website is ready to upload, and now you need a web host. Or perhaps you already have a web host, but uptime and support are lacking. Does Your Host Fight Spam? Virtually anyone with an email address knows what Spam is, and has, perhaps, considered giving up the speed, convenience, and simplicity of email because of it. Those who have their own websites are more vulnerable than the average person with a single work or home email address from their company or Internet Service Provider. Webhosting Explained Web hosts are service companies that provide space on their servers for internet users. Web hosts provide online systems for internet connectivity and for storing information, image mediums and other internet content. Thinking About Changing to a New Web Hosting Company? 5 Steps to Plan Ahead for the Move Perhaps your web hosting company has a technical support group that never answers their email, or their control panel is difficult to use. Maybe your website has been having more downtime than uptime. Web Hosting Solutions In Birmingham Once you have a website you then need to think about hosting your site. There are many hosting companies offering different fees, therefore it can be quite difficult in finding the best deal. Which Is The Better Server Operating System, Unix or Windows? Anybody who decides to get a web hosting service or facility for their website will also soon be faced with the tough question of what server they will need. Will their website be run by a Windows server operating system or will they prefer to go for a Unix system?Typical Windows servers will run on Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP, while Unix servers could be Linux or Open BSD to name just two. Linux Servers: Do You Understand the Difference? First of all, some people are worried that they will not be able to use Linux hosting because they run Windows on their PCs. However, what operating system you run on your own PC is irrelevant to which web hosting environment you can use, because the latter is run remotely on a web server, where your website files will be uploaded. The Problem With Web Hosting Today When it comes to web hosting, the quality of the bandwidth is as important (if not more important) than the hardware your site runs on. That's because even with the fastest web server, your site will come to a crawl if it's connected to poor quality bandwidth. The 2 Sides of Reseller Web Hosting In the first case the customer is really looking for a large shared hosting plan that allows multiple domains. More frequently in the industry you see the term "Multi-Domain account" to refer to these plans. Managed Vs. Unmanaged Dedicated Hosting "Unmanaged dedicated servers" - this is a pretty uninviting term to many, especially the non-gurus, but in most cases is not as "non-servicing" as it seems. In fact, I think someone one day soon, ( who knows maybe me ) will coin a new phrase to replace the term "unmanaged" - similar to how "used cars" is now "pre-owned" or how "apartment complexes" are now "rental communities". How to Find Good Web Hosting for Your Site! When building your first site the main things that you will probably think about is what types of content you will be adding to your site, how you are going to get visitors to your site and how you are going to generate good revenue from your site.Well, all of the things mentioned above are crucial things to consider, but then again, what's the point in thinking about them if you can't even get a good Web host to host your site with. Free Or Not Free -- Its Your Choice The internet is one of the world's top sources of information, products and just about anything else you could possibly want. And, if you have spent any amount of time online, you must have noticed that much of it is free. How To Host Several Websites Under One Account If you operate several websites, each with its own domain name, signing up of separate hosting accounts can be an expensive proposition. Even if your hosting company offers the add-on domain feature (which will allow you to add different domains to the same hosting account) you will be charged a monthly fee for each domain you add, sometimes costing almost the same as your full hosting fee. ![]() |
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