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Steps to Becoming a Web Host Reseller
You've decided to get a reseller web hosting account to resell web space. What now? Here's a step-by-step guide. 1. Choose the platform you want to use. More open source software programs are available for Linux than for Windows, which makes Linux less expensive. While most programs (Perl, PHP, Flash, etc.) run on both platforms, a few run on only Windows or Linux. A site that requires ASP or MS Access, for example, requires a Windows platform. 2. Choose the control panel you want to use. Control panels for websites range from very basic to loaded with features. As a reseller, you'll also have a control panel for you to set up and control hosting accounts. In Choosing Your Hosting Automation Software, we compare several control panels, all of which offer good features for web host resellers. 3. Choose your web host. The web host company that you choose for your reseller account is a key decision - your business success depends on the quality of your host. Factors to consider when choosing a web host for a reseller account:
4. Set up your hosting plans and prices Divide your bandwidth by your disk space to find out the ratio of bandwidth to disk space that you can offer. Take into account any ratios that differ if you upgrade to a larger package, and then base your packages on that ratio. For pricing, consider what competitors charge, but also factor in any additional services you'll be offering. 5. Develop a business website You have three main choices for website development:
Include all the information that clients will want to know about your services and company. 6. Make your site e-commerce ready To be able to accept payments for hosting accounts, you'll to set up:
7. Set up a helpdesk A helpdesk allows clients to contact you with support requests and you to track and respond to those requests. 8. Set up billing With an automated billing system, clients are billed and payments are registered with little effort on your part. Most billing software licenses are priced per month or per year, with some billing software companies offering prices for lifetime licenses. Some popular billing and payment processing systems:
When you choose a billing software program, check if it's compatible with your server platform and if support is included. 9. Create a welcome email After you set up hosting accounts for your clients, you'll need to send them a welcome email. Include in this email:
10. Market your website Submit your site to search engines. Tell your family, friends, and business acquaintances about your website. Include a link to it in your signature line in outgoing emails. But don't stop there - market your website http://www.marketingcontrolpanel.com via incoming links, advertising, newsletters, and special offers. About the author: Technical Executive Writer for Website Source, Inc. http://www.websitesource.com whose established writing skills coupled with experience in the website hosting industry have provided internet professionals with marketing, product and service ideas for many years.
MORE RESOURCES: - ������ - ��ʵ�� - Thailand Web Hosting Business - Directory - SEO Thailand - ������˹ѧ - ˹ѧ���� - Domain Names - Web Hosting - Software News - http://www.thaiirc.in.th/seo/ - http://www.siamsupport.net/ - http://onewaylink.narak.com/ - ���� - Website Directory - ����� focus - ö����ͧ - ������ѹ��� focus Sponsored |
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