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What You Should Know About Your Web Host
Yesterday I received a nice email in my inbox, I read that short and interesting email, it was like 5 to 6 lines max, at the end was a link which I was asked to click on. I did exactly that. I wait for about 1 minute but no page downloaded. I think my Internet connection gets down so I checked it but it was perfect. I refresh the page many times but results were same. I read all other mails and did my routine work. In evening suddenly I remember that mail. Since it was so Interesting, I again read it and click on the link but this time also same results appears. I finally give up and delete that mail. This whole episode left a question in my mind that why people don't choose their web host wisely. In fact it's the most vital part of Internet business. A web host is the first important step towards building our Internet business. You can get cheap or even free hosting services but don't prefer free hosting for commercial sites. Your users are going to get blasted with annoying pop-ups every time they surf to your page, it's going to be impossible to get a decent position in a search engine, and you don't even get a real business URL. No one's going to remember your web address if they have to type www.myfreehost.com/my_site. So the question is what points we should consider before select our web host. 1. Space It's the first point to consider that how much space your host is providing to you. If you have one or two page website with no downloads, it's not an important point but if you are planning to go for resale right product, you need at least 100 MB space. Most good web host provide minimum 1 GB space to their clients. 2. Bandwidth It's the most important part to check. Did you know that sites with high downloads causes many people to go over budget on bandwidth and lose their host? Sometimes they have to pay fees up to hundreds of dollars. It's essential to check before buying any hosting services. Most good host provides 25 to 50 GB Bandwidth. 3. Support System It's also key point. If you get stuck at any point, how long does it take to get support? Do they provide 24/7 phone support. Some Additional features we must check: How many POP email account they are providing? How many database they are providing? Do they have Web based e-mail? Do they have Anti-Spam and Anti-Virus filters? Can you Password Protected your directories? Do they take regular backup in case of server get crashed? Do they have money-back Guarantee, if you don't like their services? Do they support Perl, PHP, Crontab and Secure Server Layer? (You don't require these facilities in beginning but after some time you need it.) I personally trust "Ultimate Web Hosting Services" for my hosting needs. They have all features that a professional host must have. The must to tell feature of this hosting service is that it gives one hour response guarantee but usually I get response in 5-10 minutes. I prefer this hosting service just because of its speedy response and its tons of superb qualities. You can try their services at: http://www.ultimatewebhostingservices.com I am not saying that they are the best. There may be other companies that have even better services but in terms of their prices they are the best. So whatever host you choose you must consider these points so you never get in trouble. Copyright 2005 Raamakant S. Raamakant S. is owner of http://www.umtezine.com. Subscribe to his Ultimate marketing Tips eZine by sending a blank e-mail mailto:[email protected] -- Learn Everything You've Been Wanting to Know about Internet Marketing. REAL Tips, Tricks and Techniques You Can Use In Your Business and Consistently Produce MASSIVE Amounts of Profits.
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