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Cheap Web Hosting is No Bargain
Ever heard the saying "Penny-wise and Dollar-foolish"? Well bargain priced website hosting may just represent the perfect example of watching a jar full of pennies while bucket loads of dollars fly out the window! When I launched my first website way back in the "dark ages" of 1997 I paid almost $150 a month in hosting and data transfer charges. My web host watched how many files I uploaded like a hawk and always seemed to send their hefty invoices earlier with each passing month. I'm obviously not the only one who felt that way, because suddenly a whole industry of "bargain" web hosts sprang up all over the web. On the surface they all sound great, especially when you think you can go from $150 a month down to $4.95 a month! Five bucks a month sounds great, until you realize the amount of data transfer (number of page views) and bandwidth (the amount of data transfer your host allows in a 24 hour period) you get for that low price severely limits your ability to do business. This realization - along with a panic attack and a quick lesson in how data transfer and bandwidth get calculated - usually comes at the least convenient time. When you exceed your limits, a bargain host usually just shuts you down with no warning. Most webmasters realize they've made a mistake by choosing a bargain host when their site suddenly gets shut down in the middle of a big promotion because of a traffic spike. Believe me, everything just stops! Here are a few bargain hosts that provide good service, but you really need to really check the fine print for how much bandwidth they allow. www.FeaturePrice.com For $24.95 a month you get to host up to six independent websites with a single account. You get unlimited data storage, unlimited email and a variety of other higher end services, but their bandwidth policy seems hard to understand. www.HostSave.com Host Save is another low price hosting company that delivers a wide range of services for only $6.95 per month. They recently raised their allowable data transfer, but their policy on how much bandwidth you can use at a given time seems non-existent. www.DotEasy.com For $25 DotEasy offers a domain name purchase along with one year's hosting. Sounds incredible until you read the fine print to discover they limit you to 1 Gigabyte of data transfer a month. Not much data once you start getting reasonable site traffic. The moral here? Either be prepared to have your business shut down mid-stream if you get successful, or pay a few extra bucks each month to ensure you have enough bandwidth and data transfer. At a minimum, specifically ask and read the fine print about the host's bandwidth and data transfer policies before it's too late! � Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved - http://www.thenetreporter.com Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use fr^e articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links... Simple "Traffic Machine" brings Thousands of NEW visitors to your website for weeks, even months... without spending a dime on advertising! ==> "Turn Words Into Traffic"
MORE RESOURCES: - ������ - ��ʵ�� - Thailand Web Hosting Business - Directory - SEO Thailand - ������˹ѧ - ˹ѧ���� - Domain Names - Web Hosting - Software News - http://www.thaiirc.in.th/seo/ - http://www.siamsupport.net/ - http://onewaylink.narak.com/ - ���� - Website Directory - ����� focus - ö����ͧ - ������ѹ��� focus Sponsored |
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The only concern is how to switch your web site from a web host to another in the right way and no or as little aggravations as possible. Finding a Reliable Host Finding reliable hosting for your business opportunity is no small task. Actually, it can be a full-time undertaking!This is because most hosting companies focus on the higher end corporate market and overlook the fast-growing small office/home office (SOHO) sector. CHMOD - Undertanding File Permissions on a Unix-Based Server The basic command for changing file permissions in unix based operating systems is the 'chmod' command. This command is executed with a set of parameters after it. Best Web Hosting Company - Find The Most Affordable Host If you're creating a community web site or a business web site, one of the first things on your agenda will be finding good, dependable, affordable web hosting for your site. In most cases, a free hosting service isn't going to work. Web Hosting Providers - Find A Newbie Friendly Web Site Host If you're about to set up your first web site and are completely new to running a web site, a dependable web hosting plan with stellar customer service is an absolute must. You'll want to choose a web hosting provider that can be of assistance from the moment you choose one of their web hosting plans. Finding a Home for Your Internet Enterprise - A Point by Point List After much Net surfing and looking at all the offers you've decided to take the plunge! You've investigated a good name for your idea. You've decided it's time to start searching for a home for your Internet vision. Dedicated Web Hosting : The Executive Summary What is Dedicated Web Hosting? Dedicated web hosting can alleviate the need to share hardware or software with any other sites or web pages. 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Web hosting refers to the service that a webmaster provides to ensure your website and email at your domain name stay up and running 24/7. Think of web hosting as renting space on a special computer that stays on all the time to keep your precious domain name up and running. How to Choose a Hosting Web Package Cheap If you're looking for a hosting web package cheap there are many things to consider. To find a hosting web package cheap you really need to do your homework and search the internet for the right host for you. Webhosting for Blogs - Free or Paid Service Blogging is an abbreviation of "web-logging". The simplest definition of a blog is that it is an online log that is organized in reverse chronological order. Useful Tips When Applying For A Web Host Provider Once you have considered the design for your website and it is ready to be hosted, there are some matters to be considered when choosing the adequate web host:I - Accessibility of the site?Once you have applied for a web host provider you should take several aspects into account such as the time it takes to load or the period of time it is up.These aspects are very important because if there are problems related to them, this can create extreme annoyance and renouncement of the possible visitors. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) - How to use it to Fight Email Forgery Spam is a real problem today. Forged email is a big part of the spam problem. Linux Web Hosting: The All You Need to Know Linux web hosting is so named, based on the operating system on which the web server software, database, and coding conventions reside. The functionality and robust nature of Linux has definitely made it a very viable alternative to Microsoft and Unix-based operating systems. The Top 10 Essential Ingredients of Every Linux Hosting Plan (Package) Any website comprises the following - Domain name, Webspace, Webpages.Lets say, You have got your Domain Name (www. Hosting Your Own Web Server: Things to Consider Are you disgusted or disappointed with your current web host? Have you switched web hosting companies too many times? Have you thought of hosting your own website(s)? Do you have the ambition to control and manage your own web server?If you answered 'yes' to the questions above, then you may be ready to host your own sites. This article will give you things to consider while making the switch. More Profits in Your Website Hosting Business If you run a website hosting business, you already know the challenges in the business. Thousands of competitors are just a click away, ready to undercut your price. ![]() |
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