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Website Sitebuilders: Easy to use Website builders Come with a Price
Professional web designers don't come cheap. A good web designer can easily charge you $1000 or more for a five page website. This high cost leads many people to tackle web design for themselves. How hard can it be? Get yourself an HTML editor, throw up a website and voila! Your website is live right? Wrong! There is a lot of knowledge you need to develop before you can get your self made website onto the internet. What is a Sitebuilder? More and more web hosting companies today offer Sitebuilder software that takes care of all the technical details to getting your website up and live on the internet. They allow a novice to choose a built in template, select some colors, throw in some pictures, and add some text. Once these steps are done, all the novice has to do is publish their website to the internet. All the hard stuff is taken care of by the Sitebuilder software. So what's the catch? Next to Impossible to Move your Website to Another Company. Most Sitebuilders in use by web hosting companies today are designed to make it as difficult as possible for their users to transfer their website away. Most, if not all the fancy features like counters, navigation, templates, etc... are built into the Sitebuilder and won't work unless you have an active account with that particular company. If you want to take your website elsewhere, you will have to build your website again from scratch. Cookie cutter approach tends to look amateurish Sitebuilders in generally lack the flexibility to allow the website creator to create a website any way they like. Most Sitebuilders out there will lock you into doing things in one way - their way. This leads to websites that can look like they were just thrown together and therefore look unprofessional. Little ability to handle traffic growth. Most Sitebuilders come with enough storage space and monthly data transfer to meet the average website's needs. If your website traffic truly takes off though, chances are, your Sitebuilder company will cut you off. Most hosting companies bank on the fact that 99% of it's clients will use relatively little resources. If your website starts to use too many server resources, most companies will pull the plug on your website. If your website is built with their Sitebuilder, you'll be out of luck and in the unenviable position of needing to rebuild your website right when a ton of traffic is hitting a dead page. Not pretty. Sitebuilder or traditional web hosting account - which is for you? If you have never put together a website before, and you have no desire to dive into the technical details of putting your website online, a Sitebuilder is probably your best fit. For maximum long term flexibility and growth potential, learning how to get your website live on a traditional web hosting account is well worth the effort. You will end up paying less, you won't be locked into one company, and you will be able to grow your website as traffic demands it. This article was written by Joe Duchesne, president of http://www.yowling.com/, a web hosting company that offers traditional Web Hosting plans. Copyright 2004 Yowling. Reprint Freely as long as you provide a clickable link back to my website from this resource box.
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Web Hosting Operating Systems Explained A few time ago appeared a lot disagreements between opinions on the internet regarding, which is the best operating system for web hosting. There are people who hate windows, there are people who love FreeBSD and many others. Business Web Hosting: Which is Right for You? Business web hosting is what you need. You have a website you need to put online. What to Look for in a Free Hosting Provider The first thing that you must realize when looking for a free hosting provider is that nothing is truly "free". There will be some sacrifices?First of all, if you see free hosting that promises to be without ads or banners, then it's not truly free. A Simple Guide to Web Hosting Personal Computers, Servers Or ISP?You need a server to host your site so that it can be viewed over the internet. This server can either be an Internet Service Provider or of your own. How to Find Good Web Hosting for Your Site! When building your first site the main things that you will probably think about is what types of content you will be adding to your site, how you are going to get visitors to your site and how you are going to generate good revenue from your site.Well, all of the things mentioned above are crucial things to consider, but then again, what's the point in thinking about them if you can't even get a good Web host to host your site with. Avoid Getting Ripped Off By A Hosting Company Chances are if you host multiple domains or websites you are spending too much money at your current hosting provider. Other hosting companies increase their profits by forcing you to create an additional hosting account every time you want to host a new domain or website. 40,000 New Blogs Are Started Daily - How Your Web Hosting Business Can Cash in The fact that an estimated 40,000 new blogs are being started daily should be of great interest to anybody already in the web hosting business or intending to go into it. Especially those planning to go into the business as affiliates or as resellers because this group of online entrepreneurs are in a very good position to cash in quickly on this amazing growth rate of blogs with hardly any investment necessary. Webhosting Explained Web hosts are service companies that provide space on their servers for internet users. Web hosts provide online systems for internet connectivity and for storing information, image mediums and other internet content. Choosing Your Web Hosting Package General rule of thumb is not to sign up for yearly web hosting plans. Instead, get monthly plan where you can unsubscribe from on the second month when you are not happy with the service. Elements of Web Hosting When you first start out trying to get a site on the Internet everything seems so confusing. Obtuse acronyms flow freely through the 'Beginner Friendly' information sites and definitions can be hard to come across. How to Choose a Web Host - Frequently Asked Questions In this article you'll be provided with helpful information about how to choose a web host. There are several things to look for when choosing a reliable web host. How to Move Your Domain Without Any Downtime With a little advanced planning, moving your domain to a new hosting company is a painless process. The approach outlined here will allow you to move any domain without downtime. Cheap Hosting Packages and Low Cost Web Hosting - Watch For Hidden Costs If you're shopping around for an affordable web hosting plan, knowing what services you want and what you should pay for them can help you pick out hidden costs that could launch your cheap hosting plan into an expense you just can't afford. Here are a few things to be on the watch for when you're shopping for the best low-cost web hosting plan for your personal or business web site. Finding a Reliable Host Finding reliable hosting for your business opportunity is no small task. Actually, it can be a full-time undertaking!This is because most hosting companies focus on the higher end corporate market and overlook the fast-growing small office/home office (SOHO) sector. Free Or Not Free -- Its Your Choice The internet is one of the world's top sources of information, products and just about anything else you could possibly want. And, if you have spent any amount of time online, you must have noticed that much of it is free. Adult Web Hosting: The All You Need To Know What sort of web hosting options should you go for if you want to host an adult website? You need to remember that this is the most critical aspect of your adult website. Facts like shared or dedicated adult web hosting, the maximum allowed bandwidth, the average uptime of the server and the server space should be critically taken into consideration while researching for your adult web host. Demand Unlimited Auto-Responders with Your Hosting Accounting AutoResponders are nifty scripts that run in your web server 24/7 serving immediate email responses to questions, support and sales. Think about this, your customer comes to your website and spends a round 200$ to get your product. Choosing the Right Web Host Whatever type of website you want to host, choosing the correct host can be tricky. Most hosting companies offer you more than you will ever use, their sales staff recommend high-end packages for small websites. Windows Hosting versus Linux Hosting The matter of choosing between the operating system (OS) running the web server hosting your web site as old as the web hosting business. The OS controls all the functions of the web server hosting your site, so it comes naturally to pay special attention when choosing one over another. The Problem with Free Web Hosting Plans In my opinion, free web hosting is one of the most misunderstood concepts on the web today. Free web hosting plans are becoming increasingly popular as new webmasters bite into the idea without actually analyzing the consequences. ![]() |
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